Deep UV lithography

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Deep UV lithography is a type of lithography. It is a simpler process than EUV lithography.

DUV lithography can be used to make chips at about 250nm resolution.

Immersion lithography can be used, but is not needed at a resolution of 250nm.

Commercial DUV lithography can use a 248nm light source.[1] Other light sources that can be used include 365nm and 193nm.

A KrF excimer laser can be used with a wavelength of 248 nm to etch feature sizes down to about 250nm.[1]

Circuits with feature sizes down to about 380nm can be etched with mercury lamp i-line systems with a wavelength of 365nm.[1]


ASML has produced commercial equipment for DUV process. They have made KrF 248-nm scanners.

ASML started selling a 0.13 micron capable system that used a 248nm laser.[2] It was the PAS 5500/750E.
