Sharp Actius RD3D

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The Sharp Actius RD3D is a laptop computer with a flat-focus binocular autostereoscopic display that was manufactured by Sharp Corporation in the year +2004. The company marketed it as the first "autostereo" PC, offering 3D images without glasses.[1]

The RD3D was used in the Mobile Immersive Workbench from SenseGraphics.[2]


It has a built-in 3D graphics button that creates a 3D image by using a parallax barrier, which beams a different image to each eye, which provides a flat focus image that gives depth perception due to binocular disparity, all without the use of 3D glasses.


Problems with the Sharp Actius RD3D are:

  • The 3D graphics can not be seen if the user slightly shifted his position while looking at the computer.
  • The computer's performance reportedly slowed when it was put into 3D mode.
  • It was big (12 pounds), bulky, and expensive, selling for $2,999.
  • The battery life was bad, reportedly lasting for only two hours.

The product was featured in PC World's "25 Worst Tech Products of All Time" list in the year +2006.[1]

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