Holographic display

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A holographic display is a display that uses the principle of holography to work, meaning that is uses the principle of light as waves to work.

A holographic display uses interference patterns to construct light as wave-like movements in an electric field that reach the eye.

Holographic displays can also be known as interference-pattern-driven displays.

Holography is dependent on the concept of an electromagnetic field and general relativity.

A holographic display can be operated as a visual portal into another world, or it can display content that pops out of the surface, which has consistency problems.

A holographic display looks so realistic because our eyes largely cannot perceive polarization of light.

A holographic display may use a SLM.

Many displays are advertised as holographic, but they are not, and that is false advertising. For a list of fake holographic display companies, see list of fake holographic displays.
