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GlovePIE is a software application that enables users to create custom input mappings for various control peripherals, such as game controllers, keyboards, and mice.
It stands for Glove Programmable Input Emulator. It was originally started as a system for emulating Joystick and Keyboard Input using the Essential Reality P5 Glove.[1]
It was created by Carl Kenner.[1]
Supported hardware[edit]
- Sony Dual Shock 3 (except for Gyro) or Sony SIXAXIS
- NaturalPoint (Or eDimensional) TrackIR, OptiTrack, SmartNav
- FakeSpace Pinch Gloves (9600 baud by default, but can be changed)
- Concept 2 PM3 rowing machines (ergo or erg)
- All joysticks or gamepads recognized by Windows
- Parallel port gamepads (with PPJoy)
- Mice with up to 5 buttons and 2 scroll wheels
- Essential Reality P5 Glove
- 5DT Data Glove (all versions)
- eMagin Z800 3D Visor HMD
- Polhemus trackers (must be set to 115200 baud): IsoTrak II, FasTrak, Liberty, Patriot, Liberty Latus
- Ascension trackers: Flock of Birds, MotionStar, etc.
- Intersense trackers: InterTrax, InertiaCube, IS-300, IS-600, IS-900, IS-1200, etc.
- WorldViz PPT trackers (all versions)
- GameTrak (only as a joystick, no direct support)