World-fixed display

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A world-fixed display is a display that is not fixed to the user's head. It can sit on a desk, or be handheld or worn on a wrist.

A 3D world fixed display is generally a 3d flat panel display.

The benefit of a world-fixed display is that it does not require 3D tracking for spatial registration.

Depending on the type, it can show content with depth or solidity.

Another benefit is that the total field of view can be smaller, due to it being more comfortable to have a world fixed display as there is no cropping popping like in small FOV near-eye displays with world fixed contents.

It is simpler to get a world fixed display system up and running compared to a near-eye display, because 3D tracking is not needed for basic functions of a world-fixed display.

3D world fixed display[edit]

A 3D world fixed display can be built to show content that has depth into the display, or alternatively, content that pops out from the display.

A 3D world fixed display can be part of a 3D HCI loop.
