VPL EyePhone Model 1

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The VPL EyePhone Model 1 is a headmounted display from VPL.[1]

It uses LEEP optics.[1]

The 3D tracking uses a Polhemus tracker.[1] It can be used with a Polhemus 3space tracker.[2]

It has been driven by a set of Silicon Graphics VGX computers.[2]

It could have an LCD at sizes of 2.7 inches, 2.75 inches, or 3 inches.[1]

VRWiki reported that one of the LCDs came from the Sony FLD-370 portable TV.[1]

The shared FOV is 90 degrees horizontal by 60 degrees vertical. The single-eye field of view is about 80 degrees horizontal, and 60 degrees vertical.[1]

Its price was $9400.[1]
