Sim Eye XL100A

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A Sim Eye XL100A

The Sim Eye XL100A is a head mounted display from Kaiser Electro-optics.

It uses two CRTs.

Its price was about $90,000.[1]

It weighs about 3 kilograms.[1]


  • Display: Full color
  • Resolution: 1024x768 (XGA)[2]
  • LCD response time: 20 milliseconds
  • Resolution/eye: 3.8 arcmin/pixel[2]
  • Luminance: 20 fL (peak white)
  • Field of View: 100°x50° with 30° binocular overlap
  • See-through transmission > 20 photopic[2]
  • Optics: KEO patented VIM collimators
  • Eye relief: 30mm, compatible with glasses[2]
  • Exit pupil: 11.5mm x 15mm
  • IPD Range: 55-75mm, independent left/right[2]
  • Weight: 5.39lb including helmet optics and displays

See also[edit]
