Project North Star

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Project North Star logo

Project North Star is an AR headset project originally started by Leap Motion that is community run. The project north star is based on a reflector style design. It is an optical-see-through head mounted display (OST-HMD). The original design files have been open sourced.

The design has numerous versions, including the Deck X.

A northstar headset uses a curved reflector. The headsets typically require calibration to correct for geometric distortions introduced by the reflector.

The project northstar can be partially 3D printed.

A northstar headset requires a separate computer to run.

The original prototype headsets had a large field of view. More recent versions have shrunk it.


How to build[edit]

A north star can be built by selecting the right displays and driver board.

Calibration is one of the key steps. Calibration can be done with a calibration rig.

Building with support for hand tracking is not recommended.
