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FOVE is a VR headset that has eye tracking. The creators are Yuka Kojima (CEO) and Lochlainn Wilson (CTO). FOVE's technology uses infrared. The sensors within the gadget track the user's pupils. It allows the user to target and interact with objects by making eye contact with them.


Eye tracking with an accuracy of 1/20th of a degree.

  • Foveated rendering - User's gaze is tracked and calculated so the graphical resources are allocated to where he is looking. The different areas of VR world sharpens and blurs depending on where your eyes are focusing.
  • Move your head naturally - With eye tracking, users can avoid unnecessary head movements and minimize simulator sickness.
  • Aim with your eyes - Target and interact with objects by glancing at them. Aim your weapon's cross hair in FPS games or create contextual menus for a gaze based interface.
  • Make eye contact - Make eye contact and convey emotions with virtual characters. Characters' behaviors and reactions change when they are watched.


FOVE will utilize their own positional tracking system.


FOVE SDK - integrates content from Unity, Unreal Engine and Cryengine. Developers can port existing VR content into FOVE or create new content.

See also[edit]

API for Foveated rendering.
