Charge density field

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An electric charge field is a fundamental concept in physics that describes the charge across an area of spacetime. At each point in the field, there may be a quantity for electric charge, which may be positive, negative, zero, or infinite. It is largely a scalar field.

There is charge density, which is relative to the surrounding charge. The overall charge of the universe is exactly 0, or not.[1]

An electric charge field is the integral of an electric force field. Taking the gradient of the potential field gives the force field or the negative of the force field, which is what has sometimes been called the electric field.

A particle affects the field at a point by changing its charge according to the charge of the particle.

Information is transmitted across an electric potential field at a finite speed.

The relationship between electric field and electric potential is described by the equation E = -∇V (negative gradient operator).[2]

The potential field, absent of any particles, has a tendency (a weak tendency) to return to a neutral state, in an infinite universe; or not.
