Doug Lanman's near-eye lightfield display

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Doug Lanman's near-eye lightfield display was a prototype lightfield display made by Douglas Lanman while he was at Nvidia. It was a project to create a display headset that used microdisplays and microlens arrays to create a two-eye head-mounted light field display.

It used the contents of an existing head-mounted display with modifications made.

It was presented at an AWE event.[1] It was shown at SIGGRAPH 2013.[2]

The headset was made largely from a disassembled Sony consumer headset. The headset used two OLED microdisplays as the light sources.[3]

It used microlenses from a Fresnel Technologies #630 rectangular plano-convex microlens sheet.[3] The microlenses had a focal length of 3.3 millimeters and lens width of 1.0 millimeters. The microlenses were oriented with the planar surface facing the viewer.[3]

A copy of the project was made by Richard Assar, who used the same components as the original project.[4]
