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[[File:Augmented Reality Studierstube.jpg|thumb]]
[[File:Augmented Reality Studierstube.jpg|thumb]]
'''Augmented reality''' is a technology of putting computerized objects in the physical world visually. Augmented reality can be done using an AR headset. If using a headset, the headset requires 3D tracking. Augmented reality can involve fiducial markers for tracking, such as [[ArUco marker]]s.
'''Augmented reality''' is a technology of putting computerized objects in the physical world visually. Augmented reality can be done using an AR headset. If using a headset, the headset requires [[PnO tracking]]. Augmented reality can involve fiducial markers for tracking, such as [[ArUco marker]]s.
To register the coordinate system to the environment, [[6DOF tracking]] must be used. Tracking can be done optically (using fiducial markers or markerless SLAM), or by using [[magnetic tracking]] or [[lighthouse tracking]].
To register the coordinate system to the environment, [[6DOF tracking]] must be used. Tracking can be done optically (using fiducial markers or markerless SLAM), or by using [[magnetic tracking]] or [[lighthouse tracking]].

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