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To register the coordinate system to the environment, [[6DOF tracking]] must be used. Tracking can be done optically (using fiducial markers or markerless SLAM), or by using [[magnetic tracking]] or [[lighthouse tracking]].
To register the coordinate system to the environment, [[6DOF tracking]] must be used. Tracking can be done optically (using fiducial markers or markerless SLAM), or by using [[magnetic tracking]] or [[lighthouse tracking]].
Augmented reality can be see through or passthrough. See through uses an [[optical see through display]] like on the [[Magic Leap]]. Passthrough uses a camera feed and an optically opaque display, like a smartphone or a [[meta quest pro]].
Augmented reality can be see through or passthrough. See through uses an [[optical see through display]] like on the [[Magic Leap]]. Passthrough uses a camera feed and an optically opaque display, like a smartphone or a [[Meta Quest Pro]].
Multi-user augmented reality has the potential to change conversation between two people. Two people, each with a pair of AR glasses, could both see a 3D model that one person is annotating.
Multi-user augmented reality has the potential to change conversation between two people. Two people, each with a pair of AR glasses, could both see a 3D model that one person is annotating.