User contributions
27 February 2025
P 'n O tracking
3D tracking has been moved. It was automatically updated and now it redirects to Positional tracking.
P and O tracking
3D tracking has been moved. It was automatically updated and now it redirects to Positional tracking.
PnO tracking
3D tracking has been moved. It was automatically updated and now it redirects to Positional tracking.
24 February 2025
Boom2 has been moved. It was automatically updated and now it redirects to Draft:Boom2.
Boom2 has been moved. It was automatically updated and now it redirects to Draft:Boom2.
Division Limited
Division Ltd. has been moved. It was automatically updated and now it redirects to Draft:Division Ltd..
Lumus DK-32 has been moved. It was automatically updated and now it redirects to Draft:Lumus DK-32.
Ivan Sutherland's head mounted display
Ivan Sutherland's head-mounted display has been moved. It was automatically updated and now it redirects to Ivan Sutherland's 3D head-mounted display.
Ivan Sutherland's head-mounted three dimensional display
Ivan Sutherland's head-mounted display has been moved. It was automatically updated and now it redirects to Ivan Sutherland's 3D head-mounted display.
A Head-Mounted Three-Dimensional Display
Ivan Sutherland's head-mounted display has been moved. It was automatically updated and now it redirects to Ivan Sutherland's 3D head-mounted display.
YouTube 360 video has been moved. It was automatically updated and now it redirects to Draft:YouTube 360 video.
List of legacy stereo 3D PC games
List of twoview solidview 3D PC games has been moved. It was automatically updated and now it redirects to Draft:List of twoview solidview 3D PC games.
List of virtual reality books
List of books on virtual reality has been moved. It was automatically updated and now it redirects to Draft:List of books on virtual reality.
Ray marching
Raymarching has been moved. It was automatically updated and now it redirects to Draft:Raymarching.
Wikitude GmbH
Wikitude has been moved. It was automatically updated and now it redirects to Draft:Wikitude.
Project Northstar 3.2
Project North Star 3.2 has been moved. It was automatically updated and now it redirects to Draft:Project North Star 3.2.
Dresden3D has been moved. It was automatically updated and now it redirects to Draft:Dresden3D.
Vuzix M2000AR has been moved. It was automatically updated and now it redirects to Draft:Vuzix M2000AR.
Lumus OE-32 has been moved. It was automatically updated and now it redirects to Draft:Lumus OE-32.
Acer Spatial Labs View
SpatialLabs View has been moved. It was automatically updated and now it redirects to Draft:SpatialLabs View.
22 February 2025
P 'n O tracking
Position and orientation tracking has been moved. It was automatically updated and now it redirects to 3D tracking.
Category:3d tracking
Position and orientation tracking has been moved. It was automatically updated and now it redirects to 3D tracking.
6DOF tracking
Position and orientation tracking has been moved. It was automatically updated and now it redirects to 3D tracking.
PnO tracking
Position and orientation tracking has been moved. It was automatically updated and now it redirects to 3D tracking.
3D position tracking
Position and orientation tracking has been moved. It was automatically updated and now it redirects to 3D tracking.
P and O tracking
Position and orientation tracking has been moved. It was automatically updated and now it redirects to 3D tracking.
Estimation of the six-degree-of-freedom position and orientation
Position and orientation tracking has been moved. It was automatically updated and now it redirects to 3D tracking.
Pno tracking
Position and orientation tracking has been moved. It was automatically updated and now it redirects to 3D tracking.
Position and rotation tracking
Position and orientation tracking has been moved. It was automatically updated and now it redirects to 3D tracking.
17 February 2025
2 February 2025
Science Year Hologram
Science Year hologram has been moved. It was automatically updated and now it redirects to World Book Science Year hologram.
Science Year 1967 hologram
Science Year hologram has been moved. It was automatically updated and now it redirects to World Book Science Year hologram.
Optical table
Optics bench has been moved. It was automatically updated and now it redirects to Optics table.
Fixed focus
Flat focus has been moved. It was automatically updated and now it redirects to Single-plane focus.
1 February 2025
Microlens-based light-field display
Microlens-based light field display has been moved. It was automatically updated and now it redirects to Lens array-based light field display.
Microlens based light field display
Microlens-based light field display has been moved. It was automatically updated and now it redirects to Lens array-based light field display.
Microlens array based light-field display
Microlens-based light field display has been moved. It was automatically updated and now it redirects to Lens array-based light field display.
VR video game
VR game has been moved. It was automatically updated and now it redirects to Virtual reality game.
3-D display
3D display has been moved. It was automatically updated and now it redirects to Three-dimensional display.
3 d display
3D display has been moved. It was automatically updated and now it redirects to Three-dimensional display.
3 dim display
3D display has been moved. It was automatically updated and now it redirects to Three-dimensional display.
3d display
3D display has been moved. It was automatically updated and now it redirects to Three-dimensional display.
3D Display
3D display has been moved. It was automatically updated and now it redirects to Three-dimensional display.
3D displays
3D display has been moved. It was automatically updated and now it redirects to Three-dimensional display.
Three d display
3D display has been moved. It was automatically updated and now it redirects to Three-dimensional display.
Solid view display
3D display has been moved. It was automatically updated and now it redirects to Three-dimensional display.
3 dimensional display
3D display has been moved. It was automatically updated and now it redirects to Three-dimensional display.
Full-depth-cue display
3D display has been moved. It was automatically updated and now it redirects to Three-dimensional display.