Valve Index

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Valve Index

The Valve Index is a VR headset from Valve. It is compatible with SteamVR and primarily meant for Windows.

The Valve Index is supported by Monado on Linux.

The full kit comes with a headset, two controllers, and 2 base stations. The headset requires a connection to a PC.

The controllers were formerly known as Knuckles and enable finger tracking. The actual controllers are strapped to the user's hands, and do not need to be held.

The base stations are an enhancement to the Lighthouse tracking system used in the HTC Vive.[1]

The retail price was $999 for the full kit including headset, controllers, and base stations.

The Valve Index has black and white camera passthrough capability in SteamVR on Windows, although it is very poor.


The Valve Index controllers track pressure, motion, touch, and optical data using 87 sensors. It can, for instance, understand when each of your fingers is fully extended.[2]

The Valve Index comes with two front-facing cameras so developers can experiment with computer vision and a front USB port for connecting to peripherals such as a Leap Motion controller.[1]

The valve index uses two displays from BOE. They are 1440x1600 LCDs. They have a refresh rate of up to 144hz. Its PPD is about 11.[3]

The headset has adjustable IPD. The IPD range is 58 to 70mm.

Release and Pricing

The Valve Index started shipping at the end of June 2019. It's Field of Vision was roughly 20 degrees larger than the HTC Vive's. It's resolution was better than Oculus Rift or HTC Vive's as well.[1] It started shipping a little over a month after the Oculus Quest and Oculus Rift S.[4]

You can purchase Valve Index products through Steam and have them shipped to the United States, Canada, and countries within the European Union.[5]

System requirements

To run SteamVR home, a GTX 970 or better or AMD RX480 or better is either recommended or required.

2 or 4 base stations can be used. 4 base stations can be used to get a maximum tracking area of 10m x 10m. You can also use the base stations that come with the HTC Vive instead of purchasing the Valve Index base stations.

Input gadgets

Valve Index Controllers are an iteration on Valve's Knuckles. It comes with a joystick and other common controller buttons as well as the ability to track your fingers' movements.


You can purchase games and apps through SteamVR or Viveport.
