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The Oculus Guardian is a boundary system that shows users of the [[Oculus Rift]] the limits of the area they are being tracked in. When in use with the [[Oculus Touch]], it displays in-app wall and floor translucent markers as soon as users approach the boundaries they have defined (figure 1). The markers are displayed in a layer superimposed over the game or experience being rendered. This allows for the user to move around an area safely, avoiding accidents like walking into walls or furniture <ref name=”1”> Oculus. Oculus Guardian System. Retrieved from</ref> <ref name=”2”> Feltham, J. (2016). Oculus teases “Guardian” boundary system for Touch, arriving this week. Retrieved from</ref> <ref name=”3”> Oscillada, J. M. (2017). Oculus introduces Guardian, a boundary system for Touch. Retrieved from</ref>.
The Oculus Guardian is a boundary system that shows users of the [[Oculus Rift]] the limits of the area they are being tracked in. When in use with the [[Oculus Touch]], it displays in-app wall and floor translucent markers as soon as users approach the boundaries they have defined.
The markers are displayed in a layer superimposed over the game or experience being rendered. This allows for the user to move around an area safely, avoiding accidents like walking into walls or furniture <ref name=”1”> Oculus. Oculus Guardian System. Retrieved from</ref> <ref name=”2”> Feltham, J. (2016). Oculus teases “Guardian” boundary system for Touch, arriving this week. Retrieved from</ref> <ref name=”3”> Oscillada, J. M. (2017). Oculus introduces Guardian, a boundary system for Touch. Retrieved from</ref>.
The VR boundary system was first announced by [[Oculus VR]] VP of Product Nate Mitchell, through a Twitter message, in September of 2016. It was launched during the same month with the SDK update 1.8. A possible early implementation of the boundary system was present during a showing of the Oculus Touch shooter Dead And Buried some months before <ref name=”2”></ref> <ref name=”4”> Lang, B. (2016). Oculus confirms “Guardian” virtual boundary system, coming in next SDK update. Retrieved from</ref> <ref name=”5”> Carbotte, K. (2016). Roomscale Oculus Rift? “Guardian” boundary system, touch controllers indicate new capabilities. Retrieved from,32705.html</ref>.
The VR boundary system was first announced by [[Oculus VR]] VP of Product Nate Mitchell, through a Twitter message, in September of 2016. It was launched during the same month with the SDK update 1.8. A possible early implementation of the boundary system was present during a showing of the Oculus Touch shooter Dead And Buried some months before <ref name=”2”></ref> <ref name=”4”> Lang, B. (2016). Oculus confirms “Guardian” virtual boundary system, coming in next SDK update. Retrieved from</ref> <ref name=”5”> Carbotte, K. (2016). Roomscale Oculus Rift? “Guardian” boundary system, touch controllers indicate new capabilities. Retrieved from,32705.html</ref>.