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The VR boundary system was first announced by [[Oculus VR]] VP of Product Nate Mitchell, through a Twitter message, in September of 2016. It was launched during the same month with the SDK update 1.8. A possible early implementation of the boundary system was present during a showing of the Oculus Touch shooter Dead And Buried some months before <ref name=”2”></ref> <ref name=”4”> Lang, B. (2016). Oculus confirms “Guardian” virtual boundary system, coming in next SDK update. Retrieved from</ref> <ref name=”5”> Carbotte, K. (2016). Roomscale Oculus Rift? “Guardian” boundary system, touch controllers indicate new capabilities. Retrieved from,32705.html</ref>.
The VR boundary system was first announced by [[Oculus VR]] VP of Product Nate Mitchell, through a Twitter message, in September of 2016. It was launched during the same month with the SDK update 1.8. A possible early implementation of the boundary system was present during a showing of the Oculus Touch shooter Dead And Buried some months before <ref name=”2”></ref> <ref name=”4”> Lang, B. (2016). Oculus confirms “Guardian” virtual boundary system, coming in next SDK update. Retrieved from</ref> <ref name=”5”> Carbotte, K. (2016). Roomscale Oculus Rift? “Guardian” boundary system, touch controllers indicate new capabilities. Retrieved from,32705.html</ref>.
According to a journalist that experimented the game, “it was after a four player match of Dead & Buried; Palmer Luckey, the founder of Oculus, pulled me aside and asked if I had noticed anything peculiar about this particular build of the game. After saying I hadn’t, he urged me to put the headset back on and then walk to my left. After few steps I saw a horizontal floating line appear in front of me about stomach-height. As I traced it with my eyes to the left, I could see that it encompassed me entirely, appearing like a square with rounded corners.” <ref name=”4”></ref> He also stated that the boundary wasn’t just a line. Instead it appeared as a piece of barbed wire, fitting in the general western aesthetic of Dead And Buried, and suggesting that developers may have the ability to modify the style of the boundary system to fit with their games <ref name=”4”></ref>.
[[File:Obsystem.jpg|thumb|1. Oculus boundary system (Image: Oculus)]]
[[File:Obsystem.jpg|thumb|1. Oculus boundary system (Image: Oculus)]]


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