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The ability to interact with your eyes in the virtual world represents a significant advancement in immersion. Developers could apply blur effects to areas of the scene where the user is not looking and focus on those areas where the user's gaze is directed. Additionally, it could enable visual communication with other virtual entities (e.g., a game character might become upset if you stare at it for too long). It would also greatly improve interaction with virtual interfaces, which currently require head movements and focusing on the interface elements you wish to interact with. Finally, this technology could significantly reduce the hardware specifications required to run VR applications, as it would allow for reducing the number of polygons rendered in areas not being looked at by the user.
The ability to interact with your eyes in the virtual world represents a significant advancement in immersion. Developers could apply blur effects to areas of the scene where the user is not looking and focus on those areas where the user's gaze is directed. Additionally, it could enable visual communication with other virtual entities (e.g., a game character might become upset if you stare at it for too long). It would also greatly improve interaction with virtual interfaces, which currently require head movements and focusing on the interface elements you wish to interact with. Finally, this technology could significantly reduce the hardware specifications required to run VR applications, as it would allow for reducing the number of polygons rendered in areas not being looked at by the user.
==== Oculus Rift - Versión Comercial 1 ====
==== Oculus Rift - Consumer Version 1 ====
Finalmente, el día 11 de junio de 2015 se mostraría en una conferencia en directo, la versión final de Oculus Rift. Como se comentó anteriormente, esta versión no añade muchas mejoras en el Hardware, pues dispone de dos pantallas de 1080x1200 píxeles para cada ojo (2160x1200 combinadas), igual que su predecesor el Oculus Rift Crescent Bay. Este dispositivo intenta cuidar mucho la apariencia, comodidad y sobre todo la ergonomicidad. El dispositivo elimina por completo el ajuste de las lentes para gente con problemas de visión, sin embargo, mejora mucho su estructura interna para que sea mucho más cómodo de utilizar con gafas puestas. Se confirma que las lentes que utiliza son lentes Fresnel, las cuales ocupan grán parte del interior del dispositivo y tienen un tamaño superior al del Crescent Bay. Por consiguiente, el FOV se ve incrementado, y, aunque no hay reveladas cifras oficiales, se ha asegurado que es mayor.
The first consumer version of the Oculus Rift was revealed in a live conference. As previously mentioned, this version does not add many hardware improvements, as it still features two 1080x1200 pixel screens for each eye (2160x1200 combined), just like its predecessor, the Oculus Rift Crescent Bay. This device focuses on appearance, comfort, and especially ergonomics. It completely eliminates the need for lens adjustments for people with vision problems; however, it significantly improves its internal structure to make it much more comfortable to use while wearing glasses. It has been confirmed that the lenses used are Fresnel lenses, which occupy a large part of the device's interior and are larger than those in Crescent Bay. Consequently, the FOV is increased, and while official figures have not been revealed, it is assured that it is greater.
Con respecto al posicionamiento dentro del mundo del desarrollo de software que ha tomado Oculus en el mercado, se sabe que Oculus ha hecho una alianza con Microsoft en el que intentarán llevar Oculus Rift, no solo a Windows 10 para hacerlo compatible en todos sus aspectos, sino también integrarlo con Xbox One. Finalmente, como resultado de esta alianza, se ha anunciado que Oculus Rift estará integrado con el Controlador de Xbox One, y se venderá en un pack conjunto.
Regarding Oculus's positioning in the software development world, it is known that Oculus has formed an alliance with Microsoft to integrate Oculus Rift not only with Windows 10 for full compatibility but also with Xbox One. As a result of this partnership, it has been announced that Oculus Rift will be integrated with the Xbox One Controller and will be sold as a combined package.
El dispositivo está construido enteramente con Fibra de carbono, y además tiene multitud de pequeños agujeros lo que lo hace transpirable y mejora los problemas que algunos usuarios tenían con que las lentes se empañaban debido al la no transpiración en la zona interna del visor. Por otra parte, esto hace al dispositivo mucho más ergonómico, de tal manera que, una vez puesto, apenas notarás que está ahí.
The device is constructed entirely from carbon fiber and features numerous small vents, making it breathable and addressing the issue of lens fogging that some users experienced due to lack of ventilation in the internal area of the visor. Additionally, this makes the device much more ergonomic, so once worn, it is barely noticeable.
El dispositivo añade los mismos auriculares con audio binaural, y además añade la posibilidad de desmontarlos fácilmente y sustituirlos por nuestros auriculares habituales.
The device includes the same binaural audio headphones but adds the option to easily remove them and replace them with your own headphones.
Es sistema de posicionamiento absoluto se ha mejorado para realizar un mejor seguimiento, añadiendo una base que eleva la cámara, y que mejora el rango de visión del sensor. Este renovado sistema de posicionamiento absoluto pasa a llamarse Constellation, y añade la posibilidad de interconectar varios sensores para poder posicionar al usuario incluso cuando este sale del rango de visión de uno de los sensores.
The absolute positioning system has been improved for better tracking by adding a base that elevates the camera, enhancing the sensor's field of view. This updated absolute positioning system is now called Constellation and adds the capability to interconnect multiple sensors to track the user even when they move out of the range of one sensor.
Adicionalmente a la versión comercial de Oculus, se anunció un dispositivo que permitiría realizar una interacción similar a la que conseguimos con un Razer Hydra, pero de manera inalámbrica, y añadiendo, no sólo respuesta háptica ante nuestra interacción mediante multiples vibraciones repartidas por todo el dispositivo. Además, se ha anunciado que el dispositivo será capaz de reconocer gestos como hacer Ok con la mano, o señalar con el dedo.
In addition to the commercial version of the Oculus, a new device was announced that would allow similar interaction to what is achieved with a Razer Hydra, but wirelessly, and also includes haptic feedback through multiple vibrations throughout the device. It has also been announced that this device will be capable of recognizing gestures such as making an "OK" sign with the hand or pointing with a finger.
Como última noticia por parte de Oculus, han anunciado que, a partir de este momento, la velocidad de las iteraciones en el desarrollo de nuevas y mejoradas versiones comerciales del visor serán mucho más rápidas. Han anunciado que no van a estar años sin anunciar un nuevo dispositivo, como otras empresas desarrolladoras, sino que tendrán periodos relativamente cortos.
Lastly, Oculus has announced that from now on, the speed of iterations in developing new and improved commercial versions of the headset will be much faster. They have stated that they will not be years without announcing a new device, like some other developers, but will instead have relatively short intervals.
==== StarVR ====
==== StarVR ====